
ひき肉なしの豆腐ハンバーグ Tofu Hamburg Steak with No Meat


・豆腐 1丁 絹でも木綿でもOK。よく水切りしておく
・パン粉 パンで代用もOK。豆腐と同量くらい
・玉子 1個
・玉ねぎ 1個 みじん切りにして透明になるまで炒めて、冷ましておく
・仕上げのテリヤキソース みりん、醤油




I tried a new recipe tonight: "Tofu Hamburg Steak."
It is "Hamburg," but this recipe does not use any meat.

【Tofu Hamburg Steak】
1 brick of tofu (either soft or hard is ok)
Bread crumbs (same amount as tofu)
1 Egg
1 Onion
1/4 cup of Mirin
1/4 cup of Soy sauce
1/2 cup of Grated daikon

1. Drain Tofu using the old-fashioned "plate" method (what most cookbooks mean by "pressing" the tofu).
Drain water from tofu package.
Plate tofu on a large plate.
Place another plate on top of the tofu brick.Place a heavy object on top of the top plate.
Allow tofu to press for about an hour.

2. Chop an onion into fine pieces and saute until browned.
( Use a teaspoon of vegetable oil )
After cooking, let cool.

3. Mix drained tofu, onions, bread crumbs, 1 egg, salt and pepper.
f you have, add chopped green onions and mushroom, or grated nagaimo (tororo). It gives more flavor!

4. Mold the tofu mixture into 8-10 1/2-inch thick oblong steaks.
Cook them on a fry pan.

5. Make Teriyaki saucePour 1/4 cup of Mirin and1/4 cup of Soy sauce in a sauce pan.
Stir the mixture well.
Put the pan on low heat and simmer for a couple of minutes.
Remove from heat and cool the mixture.

6. Lay the tofu hamburg steak on a plate, pour Teriyaki sauce over the tofu hamburg and put grated daikon on top.

大根おろしはダーリンが担当。テレビのアメフトの試合が気になって、大根をおろす手が止まる。 よそ見したらあぶないぞー

My darling is charge of grating daikon. But he is distracted by 49ers game on TV and can not focus on grating daikon...
Be careful and don't grate your finger darling.....

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