
California Academy of Science









この日、気に入ったのは、熱帯魚と亀たち。 タダだから、ま、いっかーってかんじだけど、“これで25ドルもとられたら頭に

This Wednesday I used my paid vacation and took a day off and went to the new California Academy of Science.
It reopened recently after five years of renovation.

Free admission is available to visitors on the third Wednesday of every month, presented by Wachovia.

I wonder if Wachovia is bought and merges with Citigroup or Wells Fargo, will the sponsorship deal be changed?

Although Academy of Science opens at 9:30 a.m., I arrived there around 10:00 a.m. and as I expected, there was already a long line of people waiting to get in. I had to wait to get in for about 15-20 mintues and it wasn't so bad.

There is a rain forest dome, an aquarium and planetarium in one building.
There was another long line to get in the rain forest dome and I did not want to wait in the line anymore so I gave up.

Before I went there, I had checked on the website "Yelp! " that there was a Planetarium Show every hour and need a ticket to get in, so I immediately went to the Planetarium and got my ticket to the Planetarium for 1:30PM.
I waited for three and half hours until the show started. Ay yay yay!!

I then went down a floor and enjoyed a beautiful, relaxing view of fish among beautiful coral reefs in the water tank.

Then I went up to the roof.
There were some interesting things about the building.

1. Recycled denim is used as insulation for the building.

2. A solar canopy around the roof contains 60,000 photovoltaic cells.
The black voltaic cells look like a part of its design and I even did not notice until I saw a sign explaining them.

This solar canopy supplies 5 to 10 percent of the academy's energy needs and prevents the release of more than 405,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions annually.

3. The rooftop of the building, called the "Living Roof", is covered with native California flowers.

Typical black tar-and-asphalt building rooftops cause a phenomenon known as the "Urban Heat Island" effect.
The endless swath of black rooftops and pavement trap heat, causing cities to be 6 to 10 degrees warmer than outlying greenbelt areas.
One-sixth of all electricity consumed in the U.S. goes to cool buildings.

The Academy's green rooftop keeps the building's interior an average of 10 degrees cooler than a standard roof would.
The plants also transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, capture rainwater, and reduce energy needs for heating and cooling.

What I liked the most at the Academy were the Aqualium and the turtles.

The Academy was okay to spend a couple of hours at because it was free.
But I would have been so upset if I had to pay $25 to get in there!

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