
Wedding at Zoo

そのカップルは、San Diego Wild Animal Parkで結婚式をするそうなのです。

San Diego Wild Animal Park は、世界最大級の自然動物園で、広大なサバンナに動物が放し飼いにされているんだって。

This weekend I'm going to San Diego to attend a wedding ceremony and reception party.

The Groom is a friend of my friend, Yuko.

He used to live and work as a tour guide in Africa for a short time, and decided to have his wedding ceremony at San Diego Wild Animal Park, surrounded by animals.
The 1,800-acre Wild Animal Park now holds 3,500 animals, representing some 430 different species.

The animals roam freely in vast enclosures-- just as they are in Africa!

I am so excited about their unique wedding and seeing the animals !


メタボ対策メニュー Low Carb Recipes


お昼は、お友達と一緒にDIM SUM(飲茶)をたんまり食べたので、夜は簡単でサッパリなものを。






しいたけ →しいたけは1個を8等分くらいに切る
しめじ →いしづきをとってばらばらにする
塩オリーブオイルにんにく →2-3ミリの厚さに薄切り唐辛子




Last weekend I had Dim Sum for lunch with my friend in Oakland's Chinatown.

That night, I tried to eat something easy and balanced-- low-carb and heavy on vegetables, for dinner.A boiled egg provided protein.

The other ingredients were vegetable and roots.

【Today's menu】
Gobo (burdock root) and carrot salad
Boiled Chinese broccoli seasoned with soy sauce and dashijiru(Japanese soup stock) Broiled marinated mushroomNagaimo (Japanese mountain yam) seasoned with soy sauce and dashijiru (Japanese soup stock)
Boiled egg

Broiled Marinated Mushroom is my recent favorite.
It works as a beer snack or as a salad topping.
It could be good tossed with pasta and crispy bacon.

【Gobo】Gobo root is the Japanese name for the root of the greater burdock plant. Utilized as both a vegetable and a seasoning agent, gobo root is also prized for the medicinal properties attributed to it.

Nutritional Value:Gobo root is a good source of fiber and potassium and is low in sodium and calories.A 3/4-cup (85 g) serving has about 60 calories and no fat.

Medicinal Uses:Gobo, or burdock, root is traditionally valued for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

It is highly esteemed as a blood detoxifier, a diuretic, and a topical remedy for maladies of the skin, including psoriasis and acne.

In Chinese herbal medicine, it is used in concert with other herbs to allay the discomfort of sore throats and colds.


Labor Day Weekend in Humboldt

Labor Dayの週末は、ダーリンのお友達が住む、Humboldt カウンティへいってきました。

My darling and I went to Humboldt county to visit our friend Ed.


Ed works at Benbow Hotel & Resort. He let us drive a golf cart.
鹿の親子。A mother deer stands near her child.

Jeepで山道を走り、海へ!We drove our shiny Yellow Jeep along the mountain road and hit the beach!

前回Humboldtにいったとき、行きかうJeep Wranglerを見て、“いいなー夢のクルマだわー”って言ってたのに、今回はそのJeep Wranglerを運転しているなんて!

Last time when I came to Humboldt, I saw many Jeep Wranglers on the highway and wished I owned and drove one. I was dreaming about a yellow, soft top Jeep Wrangler. Now I am driving it! Isn't it amazing?

ありがとうダーリン!! Arigato "darling"!!